+4428 7954 9100
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The Flax Centre & Charles Thompson Homeplace

The Flax Visitor Centre located in the village of Upperlands in Co.L/Derry.
This centre has been a vision for Upperlands Community Development Ltd for many years and we are pleased that this vision has now become a reality allowing us to help keep the 300 year linen history of the village alive.
This centre is staffed by a small dedicated team of local volunteers and depends on voluntary donations from visitors to help with running costs.
The Visitor Centre itself was a former beetling mill, this beetling house was one of several throughout the village.
A commercially operating beetling mill still exists in the building opposite the visitor centre and a scaled down model can be viewed in the Visitor Centre.
Our visitor centre incorporates a history of the village and linen section, model house exhibition and operational model railway.
The Flax Coffee Shop is on the ground floor of the building and together we can cater for any individual or group need or visit see coffee shop page here Flax Coffee Shop.
There are also some wonderful nature filled scenic walks around the nearby Dams. We look forward to Welcoming you to the Centre and the village of Upperlands soon.

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Địa chỉ

53 Main Street,
BT46 5AA
Northern Ireland

Điện Thoại

+4428 7954 9100



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+4428 7954 9100

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